Joseph Ehlinger Ecommerce writing examples for Pitney Bowes

Integrate Success - an Integrated Campaign

E-tailers depend on APIs (application programing interface) to manage inventory, process payments and access delivery carriers, such as USPS, UPS and FedEx.

For speed, accuracy and reliability, APIs from Pitney Bowes are unsurpassed.

Based on case study statistics and testimonials, this campaign encourages e-tailers to integrate Pitney Bowes APIs into their shipping operations.

Pitney Bowes API Integrate Success marketing campaign social media Joseph Ehlinger copywriter Pitney Bowes API Integrate Success marketing campaign social media Joseph Ehlinger copywriter Pitney Bowes API Integrate Success marketing campaign social media Joseph Ehlinger copywriter

Targeted Social Media

Banners and online video promote the benefits of integrating Pitney Bowes APIs. The campaign drives to the web page on the right. Art direction by Andy Wood.

New Landing Page and Online Article

I drafted a new web page that shows prospects the advantages of partnering with Pitney Bowes. Click the carousel and find an SEO searchable article I wrote listing the top six reasons to integrate their APIs. Download article PDF.